Archive for September 25th, 2013

Are You Marketing to Your Audience or Trying to Impress Other Lawyers?

Sep 2013

No matter what audience you serve, you need to be speaking to them and getting to the heart of what they are feeling.

Often times I see that law firms are trying to impress other law firms with their expertise and that is not the way to go.  These other law firms don’t need to be impressed with you, your prospective clients do.

 You need to be speaking to the victim or the victim’s family. In some cases the victim will be unable to search for an attorney, and it’s most often the family of the victim that’s looking for your services.

When advertising you need to always keep in mind who you are talking to and ensure you are reaching out to them in a way that shows you are the best choice to represent them.

If you’re a personal injury attorney you are dealing with catastrophic, often fatal accidents.  Injury or death claims in these cases are most often filed by family members and not the victims themselves. Remember you are reaching out to families who have just suffered the tragic loss of a loved one. Take a compassionate tone but not overly emotional. Assure them that they have your law firm for help.

What you don’t want to do is make it seem as if you are flaunting your expertise for the competition.  This will end up not impressing anyone and could end up costing you clients if they don’t feel that you understand or that you aren’t really in it for them. Give your audience what they’re looking for and show them that by contacting your office they’ll get even more personalized information.

If you are ready to really take a good look at your advertising and make it better targeted to your specific audience, then allow Market Masters Legal to implement a turn-key, low cost, low risk 6 month trial for you so you can see exactly how some small changes to your advertising can get you immediate results and an increase in cases.

If you are ready to have a conversation now just contact us at today to set up a casual discussion on how we can help you build your ad in a polished and professional way.