Are You Getting All the Auto Cases You Should?
Wonder how many auto cases your firm is getting from the overall number out there?
There is no sure fire way to know but there is something that can help give you a ballpark.
Allstate creates each year (this being the 8th year) an “America’s Best Driver” report.
This report uses Allstate’s claim data to rank the country’s 200 biggest cities based on frequency of collision.
What does the 2012 report say? You can read it for yourself HERE.
The top spot this year for safest city goes to Sioux Falls, South Dakota which has also been awarded this spot 5 times over the past 8 years!
The report was created to increase awareness of safety behind the wheel.
Car crash fatalities are at the lowest level they’ve been since 1949 according to the report, but there is still an average of more than 32,000 a year.
You should be making sure that your prospects know you handle auto collision cases and can help them.
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