Archive for the ‘Legal News’ Category

Whistleblower Cases on the rise

Jul 2012

One of the faster growing categories of legal cases is Whistleblowing. These cases involve a person, usually an employee, who brings the unlawful activity of a company to light. New regulations encourage more whistleblowing, and increase the reward for bringing attention to the wrongdoing.

Thanks to the well documented Wall Street and Banking scandals, amongst other things, employees are more open-minded about questioning their employer’s business ethics after witnessing so much fraud and greed. Other motivators include regulatory changes; under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act whistleblowers stand to win 10 to 30 percent of any verdict over $1 million. The Dodd-Frank Act also gives much greater protection to employee whistleblowers. Employers are not allowed to retaliate against an employee whistleblower, or the employee can sue for double back pay along with reinstatement. This means that employees no longer have to stay silent for fear of losing their jobs. The statute of limitations was also extended to six years after the unlawful action took place.

In order to ensure that all of these new rules are being enforced, the SEC opened the Office of the Whistleblower in 2011. The Office handles tips and complaints, and assists in determining the size of awards. This increased power for bigger rewards and better protection programs means less risk for employees, potentially increasing the number of those willing to come forward.

If you are interested in advertising for this type of case on television and/or your website, contact Market Masters-Legal.

Giving Back – Part 2

Following my most recent post about the charitable and community efforts of one of our licensees, I learned of something rather remarkable undertaken by another, a Kansas City car accident lawyer (who is also a Kansas City bankruptcy lawyer) .  Some 13 years ago, Darrell Castle and his wife Joan started an orphanage in Bucharest Romania for homeless Gypsy children.  What began as a 2-person effort has now grown into a full non-profit organization known as  Mia’s Children (named after the woman who runs it).  Thirty-five permanent children as well as others benefit from the mission.

While this may have nothing to do with running a law firm, it does say a lot about the people who are running it and is well worth acknowledging.

Giving Back

From time to time I hear about, and like to acknowledge, the charitable and community efforts of our licensees.  This being “the season of giving”, I thought it to be a good opportunity to acknowledge another such endeavor.

Samantha’s House is a non-profit organization in Indiana that “partners with the community to improve the living conditions of those who suffer from a significant injury or disability that leaves them trapped both physically and financially”.   Basically, it does what Extreme Makeover-Home Edition has been doing for many years now.  One of its biggest supporters has been an Indiana car accident lawyer , Keller & Keller, who happens to be a long standing Market Masters-Legal licensee.  Kudos to them for their participation in this  noble venture.

If you would like to share anything you and/or your firm is doing along this line, please let me know.

Happy Holidays

A Sketchy Lawsuit?

You know those toning shoes with the curved bottoms that are supposed to help your physique? Well, maybe that is not all they do. Skechers Shape-ups are the subject of a recent lawsuit according to ABC News. There are certainly quite a few people using these shoes. Heck, I have a pair. We will have to keep an eye on this to see if it becomes a mass tort opportunity that has any “legs” (sorry).

The QuickStrike™ program at Market Masters-Legal gives our licensees a real edge when it comes to advertising for mass tort cases on TV.

How To Predict Numbers of Auto Cases?

Auto accident data is difficult to come by in a timely fashion.  Often what is available is a year old or more.  While it would be great to know how many cases one is currently getting out of the total potential “pie”, thus far this is information that eludes us.

One report, however, can provide an idea of how your market stacks up when it comes to overall driver safety.  Allstate recently released its “America’s Best Drivers Report™”.  The report uses Allstate’s claim data to rank the country’s 200 biggest cities based on frequency of car collisions to identify which cities have the safest drivers.

What is the safest city?  Fort Collins, CO.  Which city is more likely to have accidents than any other?  Washington, DC.  How does your city stack up?  Click to view the full 2010 report.

As with any data, results can be suggestive but are not necessarily conclusive.  The overall business of any individual law firm is the result of many factors, not the least of which is effective marketing.  Robust market conditions or soft, it is always best to be the one getting the first call.